
Friday 23 October 2015

OLP125 Money and Metaphysics with Cha-zay Sandhriel

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In today's Episode of the Online Learning Podcast, I am delighted to welcome Cha-zay Sandhriel who brings an amazing array of left brain and right brain experience to her Udemy courses.  We discuss how she came to be such an amazing Udemy instructor and she explains why she wants to share her Money and Metaphysics course with you for just $1!

In this Week's Episode: Cha-zay Sandhriel

In this Episode we discuss:

  • How a major business disaster has changed her perspective on life
  • Why she found herself coaching with her cell phone from her car
  • How she came to create her Money and Metaphysics course
  • Why she thinks we need to re-frame our attitude to money

Find out More About Cha-zay's Courses

Check out Cha-zay in Udemy at

Get Cha-zay's Money and Metaphysics Course for just $1 with Coupon Code OLP1 - or just click on this link

Find out More about Cha-zay

You can find out all about Cha-zay on her website at

One to One Coaching with John Colley

Are you ready to really take your Online Course into the stratosphere?  Then complete this survey and we can schedule a 30 minute call to see whether we are a great fit to work together.  This is what one of my students thinks about my coaching!

Join the Online Learning Club - my Facebook Group for Online Learners

Online Learning Club

This is my Facebook Group for the Online Learning Community and you are most welcome to join us.  Just click on this link to go to the Page and ask to join the Group.


 Full Disclosure: these are affiliate links. If you click on this link, you will not pay any more (you still get the full discount) but I will earn a Commission. If you do buy a course, please email me at john[at]jbdcolley[dot]com and tell me about it. I would love to thank you personnally for supporting The Online Learning Podcast! Don't forget you can still access the Course and the discount without going through the Affiliate Scheme by simply searching for the Course on Udemy and using the Coupon Code at Checkout in the normal way. If you do this, Udemy will receive their normal commission and the Course Creator will get the whole of the balance. It is entirely up to you.

Check out this episode!

Friday 9 October 2015

OLP124 NMEU 2015 with Jelle Derckx, Jonathan Tilley, Katrina Buderuus and Cliff Ravenscraft

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In today's Episode of the Online Learning Podcast, I am delighted to welcome four guests from the New Media Europe Conference 2015; Jelle Derckx, Jonathan Tilley, Katrina Buderuus and Cliff Ravenscraft.  After these great people gave scintillating speeches I was lucky enough to grab them for a few minutes each for an exclusive interview for the Online Learning Podcast

In this Week's Episode: In this Episode we discuss:

Jelle Derckx

  • How "Think and Grow Rich" inspired Jelle to blog about personal development
  • How Jelle came to create his online course about simplifying your life
  • Offers some advice about how online blogging can help online course creators
  • How to make money with an awesome online blog
  • Why podcasting is such a great way to create a community
  • How to take the answers from interview guests and turn it into a blog article which would be really engaging
  • Why you need to keep blog posts short and punchy
  • Why Jelle is going to create an English course about minimalism on Udemy

Jelle lives in the Netherlands and was born in 1984. Performing has always been his passion and he graduated from Acting College when he was 24. From 24 to 27 he didn’t have a great time and was struggling with negative thoughts about himself and was constantly comparing himself with others.

Jelle decided to make a big break and went to Brazil with a book: Think and Grow Rich. That book changed Jelle’s life and thinking completely. He came back to the Netherlands and made life changes (minimalism) and decided to share it on a blog.

After a year he made a course on minimalism, wrote a book and started podcasting about the topics he was passionate about.

Now, Jelle has two blogs, one on acting and filmmaking and one about personal development and minimalism. Both blogs have a podcast and an email list of 4500 people. Jelle is 31 and he’s living in Amsterdam as an entrepreneur.

(Thanks to NMEU2015 for this profile)

You can find Jelle at and

Jonathan Tilley

  • Discover how to cope with failure
  • Find out what we should be doing to cope with failure
  • Why Jonathan enjoys learning from failing in a small way every day
  • Why feeling failure can reduce our daily pressure
  • How Jonathan helped us to feel failure at the conference
  • Discover why Jonathan hates the word "Pivot" in the entrepreneurial world
  • Discover Jonathan's alternative to the word "Pivot"


Jonathan Tilley writes and speaks about The Creative Process and helps creative people transition into successful freelancers and entrepreneurs at

Among his many accomplishments, Jonathan is proud to have rolled around on the floor as a cat in his viral TEDx Talk “What Creativity Is Trying To Tell You”. He is also the creator of The Sacred Space Sessions, a 28-day journaling course designed to make participants feel good on the inside and out, and League of List Builders, a 6-week online business course for creatives on how to develop long-lasting, deep, and powerful working relationships. He is the author of the self-published Voice Over Garden, winner of the 2013 Small Business Book Award for Start-Ups, which has been called “a standing ovation” and “quite brilliant” by the voice over industry.

Since 2002, Jonathan also freelances as a voice actor having voiced thousands of corporate narrations and business presentations for companies like Mercedes-Benz, FujiFilm, Porsche, IBM, Siemens, KIA, Philips, BASF and also voiced commercials for Red Bull, Nivea for Men, Google, Sprite, and Coca-Cola.

Before his writing and speaking career, Jonathan could be seen in the blockbuster musicals “A Chorus Line”, Mamma Mia!”, Cats”, “Dance of the Vampires”, and “42nd Street”. He was Assistant Associate Choreographer for the German and Russian productions of “Mamma Mia!” and choreographed runway shows throughout Europe for L’Oreal, Wella, and Intercoiffure. He can also be seen in the movie “Center Stage” filmed in New York City’s Lincoln Center.

Seven random things Jonathan is interested in nowadays: walking his French bulldog Dexter, getting lost in old bookstores while simultaneously being lost in a new city, analyzing the price of precious metals, understanding the multi-layered resiliency of spirit, collecting fake leather biker jackets, building his tribe of creative lunatics, and being a good husband.

(Thanks to NMEU2015 for this profile)

Katrina Buderuus

  • Explains the publishing pyramid and how to repurpose content
  • How to create mini books to repurpose content and sell to individuals and companies
  • Create content based on Quotations, How to Do and Why to Do within your expertise
  • The advantages of having a book can lead to passive income
  • Why books lead people to see you as a thought leader
  • Why books can lead to speaking engagements
  • Discusses the difference between horizontal and vertical repurposing
  • How to create a book from collecting quotations
  • The importance of getting approval from people to quote them
  • When the Visionaries are Blinded - Katrina's new book about leadership coming out in 2016
  • The importance of finding a niche to establish yourself as an expert

Dr. Katrina Burrus, MCC has a proven track record in coaching numerous international leaders including Nestle, Novartis, United Bank of Switzerland, CERN, UNAIDS, United Nations, International Labor Organisation and the World Trade Organisation. Her coaching career has taken her to Europe, Asia and the United States, and she is recognised for her distinctive capabilities with leaders and teams from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds.

As the founder of MKB Conseil & Coaching, Dr. Burrus is affiliated with a network of international experts and scholar-practitioners. MKB Conseil & Coaching specialises in coaching international and highly mobile leaders, including brilliant but abrasive leaders.

Katrina teaches leadership and post graduate courses at various universities and has created a ground-breaking thought leadership workshop titled Global Nomadic Leadership: Succeeding in a World without Borders. She also teaches Executive Coaching and was part of the International Coach Federation (ICF) credentialing committee. She is certified in Coaching Brilliant and Abrasive Leaders by the Boss Whispering Institute.

Katrina is the first ICF Master Certified Coach in Switzerland, founder and Board Member of ICF Switzerland and serves on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Coaching in Organisations.

She is a Start-Up coach for the Swiss Government and the founder of the Global Nomadic Leadership Institute. Dr. Burrus is the author of Global Nomadic Leaders: How to Identify, Attract and Retain Them and When the Visionary Leader is Blinded. Katrina is a blogger, podcaster, author and launching her own TV show in September.

You can find out much more about Katrina at

(Thanks to NMEU2015 for this profile)

Cliff Ravenscraft

  • The Podcast Answerman explains how he came to become an expert on Podcasting
  • Why podcasting enables Cliff to influence people in a positive way
  • Find out why we had to move our chairs just as we started our interview
  • Cliff shares his experience teaching people to become podcasters
  • Discusses his Podcasting A to Z course and how he manages the technology to run his course
  • How Cliff manages his questions from his students - and why he creates tutorials to handle FAQs
  • Cliff explains how he runs his course through the year and his business model for his course
  • We discuss Misfits, which was the core topic for his keynote
  • "The Ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the people that do" 1997 Apple Advertisement

Cliff Ravenscraft is the founder of the Generally Speaking Production Network. Together with his wife and a few close friends, Cliff has produced over 3,200 podcast episodes, since December 2005, devoted to entertainment, family, faith, fitness, career and technology.

In January 2008, Cliff left a very successful career as an insurance agent, to pursue podcasting full-time. He felt called spend his life serving the community that had formed around the many shows in his network. Being a husband and father of three, he needed to find a way to produce content, serve his community, and also provide for his family. Cliff focused on successfully generating income through coaching/consulting at He has helped thousands of individuals and organisations launch successful podcasts though his one-on-one consulting/coaching and through his Podcasting A to Z online training course. If you were to look at the top 100 podcasts in the business category of iTunes, more than 50 of these shows were created by clients who worked with Cliff.

(Thanks to NMEU2015 for this profile)

New Media Europe 2015 Virtual Ticket

Follow this Link to find out all about how you can get your Virtual Tickets to New Media Europe 2015

Other Places Mentioned in this Podcast


One to One Coaching with John Colley

Are you ready to really take your Online Course into the stratosphere?  Then complete this survey and we can schedule a 30 minute call to see whether we are a great fit to work together.  This is what one of my students thinks about my coaching!

Join the Online Learning Club - my Facebook Group for Online Learners

Online Learning Club

This is my Facebook Group for the Online Learning Community and you are most welcome to join us.  Just click on this link to go to the Page and ask to join the Group.


 Full Disclosure: these are affiliate links. If you click on this link, you will not pay any more (you still get the full discount) but I will earn a Commission. If you do buy a course, please email me at john[at]jbdcolley[dot]com and tell me about it. I would love to thank you personnally for supporting The Online Learning Podcast! Don't forget you can still access the Course and the discount without going through the Affiliate Scheme by simply searching for the Course on Udemy and using the Coupon Code at Checkout in the normal way. If you do this, Udemy will receive their normal commission and the Course Creator will get the whole of the balance. It is entirely up to you.

Check out this episode!

Friday 18 September 2015

OLP123 New Media Europe 2015 with Mike & Izabela Russell, Amy Schmittauer and Chris Ducker

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In today's Episode of the Online Learning Podcast, I am delighted to welcome four guests whom I had the pleasure of meeting at New Media Europe 2015.  First I have a great chat with Mike and Izabela Russell, the founders of NMEU 2015, then Amy Schmittauer from shares some great advice on video making and finally Chris Ducker tells us all about Periscope and

In this Week's Episode: Mike and Izabela Russell, Amy Schmittauer and Chris Ducker

In this Episode we discuss:

Mike and Izabella Russell

  • The "Be Yourself" theme which emerged at the conference
  • Why you should consider coming to the conference next year
  • Why the New Media Community is growing so fast
  • How to attend next years conference

 You can find out more about New Media Europe by visiting

If you want to get audio recordings of all the presentations, you can click on this link to get your virtual ticket

Amy Schmittauer

  • The advantages for marketers of creating online video
  • Why you need to jump right into your content
  • Why retaining your audience is the most important metric on Youtube
  • What is the optimum length for a marketing video on Youtube
  • Why you need a professional thumbnail
  • Video techniques and why Amy likes Jump Cutting

Amy Schmittauer is Founder and Face of, a resource helping brands develop and execute a social media marketing strategy to grow awareness and increase sales by showing off their amazing personality online. Leading the charge in video blogging for business, Amy has grown a following for the site that has amassed more than 1 million videos views and become a vital referral source to her video content marketing consultancy and professional speaking career.

An experienced creative, she has helped a number of industries learn how to embrace video content marketing to grow brand awareness including business events, marketing agencies, video production studios, magazine publications, real estate professionals, authors, speakers and many more.

She is a proud beagle mom, coffee addict and shares most of her life via video and on Twitter. A true social media frenzy.

(Thanks to NMEU2015 for this profile..)

Chris Ducker

  • Periscope and why Chris is all in!
  • The new Youpreneur community which Chris has just launched!

Chris Ducker is a serial entrepreneur, speaker and author of the bestselling book, “Virtual Freedom”. Originally from the UK, Chris has lived in the Philippines for 14-years, where he has founded several businesses, including an outsourced call center facility, a virtual assistant recruitment hub and a co-working space. He is also a popular business blogger and podcaster at

(Thanks to NMEU2015 for this profile..)

Check out Periscope TV here -


To find out more about Youpreneur and how you can become a member of the community, just click on this Link

New Media Europe 2015 Virtual Ticket

Follow this Link to find out all about how you can get your Virtual Tickets to New Media Europe 2015

Other Places Mentioned in this Podcast

Discover New Media Creative and all their amazing Audio Talents at

Subscribe to the New Media Europe Show Podcast on iTunes -

One to One Coaching with John Colley

Are you ready to really take your Online Course into the stratosphere?  Then complete this survey and we can schedule a 30 minute call to see whether we are a great fit to work together.  This is what one of my students thinks about my coaching!

Join the Online Learning Club - my Facebook Group for Online Learners

Online Learning Club

This is my Facebook Group for the Online Learning Community and you are most welcome to join us.  Just click on this link to go to the Page and ask to join the Group.


 Full Disclosure: these are affiliate links. If you click on this link, you will not pay any more (you still get the full discount) but I will earn a Commission. If you do buy a course, please email me at john[at]jbdcolley[dot]com and tell me about it. I would love to thank you personnally for supporting The Online Learning Podcast! Don't forget you can still access the Course and the discount without going through the Affiliate Scheme by simply searching for the Course on Udemy and using the Coupon Code at Checkout in the normal way. If you do this, Udemy will receive their normal commission and the Course Creator will get the whole of the balance. It is entirely up to you.

Check out this episode!

Friday 11 September 2015

An Aviators Wife on the Home Front in WWII with Vickie Maris

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In today's Episode of the Online Learning Podcast, I am delighted to welcome Vickie Maris who has created on of the most unique courses on Udemy - a real living history course.  She has interviewed her mother about life as the wife of a US Airforce Aviator during World War II.  We also have an interesting discussion about Periscope - the new live streaming App from Twitter.

In this Week's Episode: Vickie Maris

In this Episode Vickie and I discuss:

  • How Vickie came to put her course together
  • How she first created a DVD set and the complexities of that set up
  • How Vickie came to pull all this information together
  • How Vickie came to learn about Udemy and create her own course
  • Vickie's use of the great new live streaming App Periscope
  • How to save your periscopes to your iphone
  • How to reuse your Periscope broadcasts in your courses
  • How Margueritte Beaty creates a template to backdrop your Periscopes to create a 16:9 presentation
  • Why Vickie thinks Chris Ducker's Periscopes are inspirational
  • Some of the stories shared by Vickie's mother in her course

Find out More About Kristen's Courses

Check out Kristen on Udemy at

Get Vickie's courses for just $15 with Coupon Code OLP15 - or just click on the link below.

Aviator's Wife Tells of Home Front Life During World War 2 - Get his course for just $15 by clicking on this link.

Find out More about Vickie

You can find out all about Vickie on her website at

Mentioned in this Episode

Check out Periscope TV here -

Chris Ducker can be found at

Margueritte Beaty's Periscope Template video can be found here -

New Media Europe - Manchester, England - 12-13 September 2015

Follow this Link to find out all about how you can get your Tickets to New Media Europe 2015

Ready To Be Heard!

This unique conference is aimed at podcasters, bloggers, social media visionaries, content creators, entrepreneurs, marketing professionals and new media enthusiasts who are looking to up their game through the effective use of new media tools ‒ such as podcasting, blogging and social media ‒ in their endeavours.

During this two-day event, you will have the choice to attend over 24 sessions prepared by some of the best speakers in the world. From general ‘know-how’ sessions and technical workshops to inspiring keynote speeches ‒ you are going to be equipped with the new media knowledge, ideas and inspiration that will make you stand out from others in your niche!

Networking events throughout the whole weekend will enable you to connect with other like-minded individuals.

Top 3 Reasons to Attend:

1. Education. Only the best speakers have been selected to help you stay abreast of the top trends in new media.

2. Networking. You will have the chance to connect with others in your field during scheduled breaks, parties and meet-ups.

3. Inspiration. By collecting ideas and meeting individuals from your area(s) of specialisation, you will be inspired to take action and follow the steps to success.

Who Is Going To Be There?

Rub shoulders with like-minded individuals and experts.

During the New Media Europe Conference in September 2015, you are going to meet other podcasters, bloggers, social media visionaries, content creators, entrepreneurs and new media enthusiasts!

This is the most outstanding new media conference to hit Europe in 2015.

Why Should You Attend?

We have seen how new media can help entrepreneurs and businesses to thrive. This event is your chance to connect with the latest trends, practical tools and most of all, successful individuals from around the globe.

By attending New Media Europe, you will find out why paying attention to new media is the single most important thing you can do this year!

How to Apply for Tickets

Follow this Link to find out all about how you can get your Tickets to New Media Europe 2015 - Don't forget to use Coupon Code "Podcast" to get 20% of the price of your ticket! (Affiliate Link)

Other Places Mentioned in this Podcast

Discover New Media Creative and all their amazing Audio Talents at

Subscribe to the New Media Europe Show Podcast on iTunes -

Subscribe to Nick Loper's Side Hustle Show Podcast on iTunes here

Subscribe to Pat Flynn's Smart Passive Income Podcast on iTunes here

Subscribe to Jaime Tardy's Eventual Millionaire Podcast on iTunes here

Subscribe to Amy Porterfield's Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast on iTunes here

Check out my New Audio Book

From Passion to Profits with Online Courses - Liberate Your Inner Expert, Teach the World and Get Paid for It!

Passion to Profits Promo Video 2.001

Follow this Link to Access and Download the rest of this Audio Book for Free

Join the Online Learning Club - my Facebook Group for Online Learners

Online Learning Club

This is my Facebook Group for the Online Learning Community and you are most welcome to join us.  Just click on this link to go to the Page and ask to join the Group.


 Full Disclosure: these are affiliate links. If you click on this link, you will not pay any more (you still get the full discount) but I will earn a Commission. If you do buy a course, please email me at john[at]jbdcolley[dot]com and tell me about it. I would love to thank you personnally for supporting The Online Learning Podcast! Don't forget you can still access the Course and the discount without going through the Affiliate Scheme by simply searching for the Course on Udemy and using the Coupon Code at Checkout in the normal way. If you do this, Udemy will receive their normal commission and the Course Creator will get the whole of the balance. It is entirely up to you.


Check out this episode!

Friday 4 September 2015

OLP121 How Colour can impact your Udemy Courses with Kristen Palana

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In today's Episode of the Online Learning Podcast, I am delighted to welcome Kristen Palana, a Professor of Multimedia from the American University in Rome and a successful Udemy instructor. Kristen shares her mastery of colour psychology and explains how you can use colour to effectively stand out in Udemy and make your courses more engaging for your students.

In this Week's Episode: Kristen Palana

In this Episode Kristen and I discuss:

  • How her Colour Psychology course to help be more impactful
  • How colour psychology can help the way people perceive you
  • Web design course helps you with your website design
  • How you can get to grips with Wordpress
  • Her crowd funding experience based on 10 years of experience
  • How imaging and colour psychology can impact your business
  • What colour psychology can mean across borders
  • How gender can affect colour choices
  • How to use colour to affect the way people think about you
  • How to use colour to make your courses more effective
  • How to use colour in your lectures to have a positive impact
  • Where you should use colour in your Udemy lectures
  • Why you should avoid rainbow colours in your text
  • Why red and orange can invigorate your Udemy students
  • The importance of hierarchy in your online text
  • Why you need to avoid lack of contrast on your webpage
  • Why its easier to read black text on a white background
  • How Kristen makes her course images stand out
  • Why Kristen changes her images to contrast with other courses
  • How to make your images stand out to get promoted by Udemy

Find out More About Kristen's Courses

Check out Kristen on Udemy at

Get any of Kristen's courses for just $10 with Coupon Code OLP10 - or just click on the links below.

Wordpress in 1 Hour: Quick & Easy Essentials For Busy People

Creativity: Skyrocket Your Creativity

Create Quick & Easy Unique Illustrations In Illustrator

Photoshop | GIMP Spotlight: Top Image Hacks You NEED to Know

Make It Happen: Empowering Women for Success - FREE

Crowdfunding Confidential: Raise Money for You & Your Cause

Web Snax: Super Simple Recipes for Easy Web Design

Life Hack With Color Psychology: Increase Your Influence

Web Design Do's and Don'ts: Evaluate Your Web Site

Find out More about Kristen

You can find out all about Kristen on her website at


New Media Europe - Manchester, England - 12-13 September 2015

Follow this Link to find out all about how you can get your Tickets to New Media Europe 2015

Ready To Be Heard!

This unique conference is aimed at podcasters, bloggers, social media visionaries, content creators, entrepreneurs, marketing professionals and new media enthusiasts who are looking to up their game through the effective use of new media tools ‒ such as podcasting, blogging and social media ‒ in their endeavours.

During this two-day event, you will have the choice to attend over 24 sessions prepared by some of the best speakers in the world. From general ‘know-how’ sessions and technical workshops to inspiring keynote speeches ‒ you are going to be equipped with the new media knowledge, ideas and inspiration that will make you stand out from others in your niche!

Networking events throughout the whole weekend will enable you to connect with other like-minded individuals.

Top 3 Reasons to Attend:

1. Education. Only the best speakers have been selected to help you stay abreast of the top trends in new media.

2. Networking. You will have the chance to connect with others in your field during scheduled breaks, parties and meet-ups.

3. Inspiration. By collecting ideas and meeting individuals from your area(s) of specialisation, you will be inspired to take action and follow the steps to success.

Who Is Going To Be There?

Rub shoulders with like-minded individuals and experts.

During the New Media Europe Conference in September 2015, you are going to meet other podcasters, bloggers, social media visionaries, content creators, entrepreneurs and new media enthusiasts!

This is the most outstanding new media conference to hit Europe in 2015.

Why Should You Attend?

We have seen how new media can help entrepreneurs and businesses to thrive. This event is your chance to connect with the latest trends, practical tools and most of all, successful individuals from around the globe.

By attending New Media Europe, you will find out why paying attention to new media is the single most important thing you can do this year!

How to Apply for Tickets

Follow this Link to find out all about how you can get your Tickets to New Media Europe 2015 - Don't forget to use Coupon Code "Podcast" to get 20% of the price of your ticket! (Affiliate Link)

Other Places Mentioned in this Podcast

Discover New Media Creative and all their amazing Audio Talents at

Subscribe to the New Media Europe Show Podcast on iTunes -

Subscribe to Nick Loper's Side Hustle Show Podcast on iTunes here

Subscribe to Pat Flynn's Smart Passive Income Podcast on iTunes here

Subscribe to Jaime Tardy's Eventual Millionaire Podcast on iTunes here

Subscribe to Amy Porterfield's Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast on iTunes here

Check out my New Audio Book

From Passion to Profits with Online Courses - Liberate Your Inner Expert, Teach the World and Get Paid for It!

Passion to Profits Promo Video 2.001

Follow this Link to Access and Download the rest of this Audio Book for Free

Join the Online Learning Club - my Facebook Group for Online Learners

Online Learning Club

This is my Facebook Group for the Online Learning Community and you are most welcome to join us.  Just click on this link to go to the Page and ask to join the Group.


 Full Disclosure: these are affiliate links. If you click on this link, you will not pay any more (you still get the full discount) but I will earn a Commission. If you do buy a course, please email me at john[at]jbdcolley[dot]com and tell me about it. I would love to thank you personnally for supporting The Online Learning Podcast! Don't forget you can still access the Course and the discount without going through the Affiliate Scheme by simply searching for the Course on Udemy and using the Coupon Code at Checkout in the normal way. If you do this, Udemy will receive their normal commission and the Course Creator will get the whole of the balance. It is entirely up to you.

Check out this episode!

Friday 28 August 2015

OLP120 Promoting Online Courses in Google Plus with Stefan DeClerk

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In today's Episode of the Online Learning Podcast, I am delighted to welcome Facebook expert, iOS Programming Expert, Stefan DeClerk for his first podcast interview.  Stefan has been very successful promoting his Udemy courses in Google Plus and kindly agreed to come onto the show to explain how he does it.  He then revealed that he has also set up a KickStarter for his next course, so we had to add that in as a bonus after the initial interview had finished.  Enough value? Well, Stefan has also created a downloadable PDF for you to use for your own Google Plus promotions - see below!

In this Week's Episode: Stefan DeClerk

In this Episode Steven and I discuss:

  • Why many people underestimate the effectiveness of Google+
  • Why Google Communities are great places to connect with people
  • Why Google+ connects with Gmail accounts
  • The right format for a Google Plus post
  • The correct frequency for posting on Google+
  • How to pick the right communities to join on Google+
  • Why communities are so active on Google plus
  • The right strategy for promoting your courses on Google+
  • Why you need to start your circles with people you know
  • The importance of your profile page
  • How to include Youtube videos in your Google+ posts
  • Why images work so well in Google+

Find out More About Stefan's Courses

Learn the Swift Programming Language Step by Step - normally $97 but you can enrol for just $10 with Coupon Code "OLP10"- just follow this link

Build Realtime Social iOS Apps With Firebase and Swift - normally $97 but you can enrol for just $10 with Coupon Code "OLP10"- just follow this link

Find out More about Stefan

You can find out about Stefan's Kickstarter Campaign for his new iOS 9 Course here - Please consider supporting him.

You can find out more about Stefan from his website at

You can connect with Stefan on Twitter at

Find our more about Stefan and see his Google Plus posts live - this is his Google Plus link -

New Media Europe - Manchester, England - 12-13 September 2015

Follow this Link to find out all about how you can get your Tickets to New Media Europe 2015

Ready To Be Heard!

This unique conference is aimed at podcasters, bloggers, social media visionaries, content creators, entrepreneurs, marketing professionals and new media enthusiasts who are looking to up their game through the effective use of new media tools ‒ such as podcasting, blogging and social media ‒ in their endeavours.

During this two-day event, you will have the choice to attend over 24 sessions prepared by some of the best speakers in the world. From general ‘know-how’ sessions and technical workshops to inspiring keynote speeches ‒ you are going to be equipped with the new media knowledge, ideas and inspiration that will make you stand out from others in your niche!

Networking events throughout the whole weekend will enable you to connect with other like-minded individuals.

Top 3 Reasons to Attend:

1. Education. Only the best speakers have been selected to help you stay abreast of the top trends in new media.

2. Networking. You will have the chance to connect with others in your field during scheduled breaks, parties and meet-ups.

3. Inspiration. By collecting ideas and meeting individuals from your area(s) of specialisation, you will be inspired to take action and follow the steps to success.

Who Is Going To Be There?

Rub shoulders with like-minded individuals and experts.

During the New Media Europe Conference in September 2015, you are going to meet other podcasters, bloggers, social media visionaries, content creators, entrepreneurs and new media enthusiasts!

This is the most outstanding new media conference to hit Europe in 2015.

Why Should You Attend?

We have seen how new media can help entrepreneurs and businesses to thrive. This event is your chance to connect with the latest trends, practical tools and most of all, successful individuals from around the globe.

By attending New Media Europe, you will find out why paying attention to new media is the single most important thing you can do this year!

How to Apply for Tickets

Follow this Link to find out all about how you can get your Tickets to New Media Europe 2015 - Don't forget to use Coupon Code "Podcast" to get 20% of the price of your ticket! (Affiliate Link)

Other Places Mentioned in this Podcast

Discover New Media Creative and all their amazing Audio Talents at

Subscribe to the New Media Europe Show Podcast on iTunes -

Subscribe to Nick Loper's Side Hustle Show Podcast on iTunes here

Subscribe to Pat Flynn's Smart Passive Income Podcast on iTunes here

Subscribe to Jaime Tardy's Eventual Millionaire Podcast on iTunes here

Subscribe to Amy Porterfield's Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast on iTunes here

Check out my New Audio Book

From Passion to Profits with Online Courses - Liberate Your Inner Expert, Teach the World and Get Paid for It!

Passion to Profits Promo Video 2.001

Follow this Link to Access and Download the rest of this Audio Book for Free

Join the Online Learning Club - my Facebook Group for Online Learners

Online Learning Club

This is my Facebook Group for the Online Learning Community and you are most welcome to join us.  Just click on this link to go to the Page and ask to join the Group.


 Full Disclosure: these are affiliate links. If you click on this link, you will not pay any more (you still get the full discount) but I will earn a Commission. If you do buy a course, please email me at john[at]jbdcolley[dot]com and tell me about it. I would love to thank you personnally for supporting The Online Learning Podcast! Don't forget you can still access the Course and the discount without going through the Affiliate Scheme by simply searching for the Course on Udemy and using the Coupon Code at Checkout in the normal way. If you do this, Udemy will receive their normal commission and the Course Creator will get the whole of the balance. It is entirely up to you.

Check out this episode!

Friday 21 August 2015

OLP119 Your Facebook Challenge Solved with Steven Aitchison

OLP Images 088 Onwards 31.032

In today's Episode of the Online Learning Podcast, I am delighted to welcome Facebook expert, Steven Aitchison.  Steven is showing his students how to massively increase their engagement and page likes on Facebook and generously shares is experience with the Online Learning Podcast.

In this Week's Episode: Steven Aitchison

In this Episode Steven and I discuss:

  • How he came to become an expert on Facebook
  • The 7 most common misconceptions about Facebook
  • How Steven built his list to 40,000
  • How Steven grew his Facebook likes to over 1 million
  • Why Facebook Edge Rank restricts your reach
  • Why you have to be consistent on Facebook to grow your likes
  • Why images with quotes work so well on Facebook
  • Why content marketing works so well with Facebook Advertising
  • How to create "Piller" articles to grow traffic from Facebook
  • How Steven makes over $50k from Facebook
  • How to target your audience to make sales
  • How to sell on Facebook without being salesy
  • Discover the KEY metric you need to understand on Facebook
  • How one students went from 8,000 likes to 58,000 likes in four months
  • How a student took his engagement rate from 10% to 48%
  • Why you have to change your mindset about Facebook
  • How to discover what your audience wants to see
  • How to create videos on Facebook that your audience will share

Find out More About Steven's Course

Follow this (affiliate Link) to find out more about Steven's Course or go directly to

Find out More about Steven

Discover Steven's guided mediation resources at

Discover the power of positive affirmations at

What would you change if you could Bend Your Reality?  Find out with Steven at

Discover Steven's Blog at

New Media Europe - Manchester, England - 12-13 September 2015

Follow this Link to find out all about how you can get your Tickets to New Media Europe 2015

Ready To Be Heard!

This unique conference is aimed at podcasters, bloggers, social media visionaries, content creators, entrepreneurs, marketing professionals and new media enthusiasts who are looking to up their game through the effective use of new media tools ‒ such as podcasting, blogging and social media ‒ in their endeavours.

During this two-day event, you will have the choice to attend over 24 sessions prepared by some of the best speakers in the world. From general ‘know-how’ sessions and technical workshops to inspiring keynote speeches ‒ you are going to be equipped with the new media knowledge, ideas and inspiration that will make you stand out from others in your niche!

Networking events throughout the whole weekend will enable you to connect with other like-minded individuals.

Top 3 Reasons to Attend:

1. Education. Only the best speakers have been selected to help you stay abreast of the top trends in new media.

2. Networking. You will have the chance to connect with others in your field during scheduled breaks, parties and meet-ups.

3. Inspiration. By collecting ideas and meeting individuals from your area(s) of specialisation, you will be inspired to take action and follow the steps to success.

Who Is Going To Be There?

Rub shoulders with like-minded individuals and experts.

During the New Media Europe Conference in September 2015, you are going to meet other podcasters, bloggers, social media visionaries, content creators, entrepreneurs and new media enthusiasts!

This is the most outstanding new media conference to hit Europe in 2015.

Why Should You Attend?

We have seen how new media can help entrepreneurs and businesses to thrive. This event is your chance to connect with the latest trends, practical tools and most of all, successful individuals from around the globe.

By attending New Media Europe, you will find out why paying attention to new media is the single most important thing you can do this year!

How to Apply for Tickets

Follow this Link to find out all about how you can get your Tickets to New Media Europe 2015 - Don't forget to use Coupon Code "Podcast" to get 20% of the price of your ticket! (Affiliate Link)

Other Places Mentioned in this Podcast

Discover New Media Creative and all their amazing Audio Talents at

Subscribe to the New Media Europe Show Podcast on iTunes -

Subscribe to Nick Loper's Side Hustle Show Podcast on iTunes here

Subscribe to Pat Flynn's Smart Passive Income Podcast on iTunes here

Subscribe to Jaime Tardy's Eventual Millionaire Podcast on iTunes here

Subscribe to Amy Porterfield's Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast on iTunes here

Check out my New Audio Book

From Passion to Profits with Online Courses - Liberate Your Inner Expert, Teach the World and Get Paid for It!

Passion to Profits Promo Video 2.001

Follow this Link to Access and Download the rest of this Audio Book for Free

Join the Online Learning Club - my Facebook Group for Online Learners

Online Learning Club

This is my Facebook Group for the Online Learning Community and you are most welcome to join us.  Just click on this link to go to the Page and ask to join the Group.


 Full Disclosure: these are affiliate links. If you click on this link, you will not pay any more (you still get the full discount) but I will earn a Commission. If you do buy a course, please email me at john[at]jbdcolley[dot]com and tell me about it. I would love to thank you personnally for supporting The Online Learning Podcast! Don't forget you can still access the Course and the discount without going through the Affiliate Scheme by simply searching for the Course on Udemy and using the Coupon Code at Checkout in the normal way. If you do this, Udemy will receive their normal commission and the Course Creator will get the whole of the balance. It is entirely up to you.

Check out this episode!

Friday 7 August 2015

OLP117 Publish My Book Today with Ani Alexander


In today's Episode of the Online Learning Podcast, I am delighted to welcome Ani Alexander who discusses her new book publishing service, Publish My Book Today which she has founded with previous Online Learning Podcast guest Jyotsna Ramachandran.


Join the Online Learning Club - my Facebook Group for Online Learners


This is my Facebook Group for the Online Learning Community and you are most welcome to join us.  Just click on this link to go to the Page and ask to join the Group.

In this Week's Episode: Ani Alexander

In this Episode Ani and I discuss:

  • How she came to be a writer and podcaster
  • How Ani and Jyotsna came to set up their publishing service
  • Why she and Jyotsna decided to offer the most affordable services
  • Why its important for them to publish the book under the Author's name
  • How to get started with the publishing service [10:36]
  • Why the publishing service is completely tailored and bespoke
  • What length should a book be? [16:00]
  • Why is proof reading important? [17:30]
  • Why do you need to get a book cover designed? [19:50]
  • Which publishing platforms does Ani recommend [22:25]
  • Does Ani help with the marketing and promotion of the book? [24:32]
  • Ain explains how to work with the promotional service Buck Books [25:35]
  • Where can you find out about the service [28:40]
  • The special offer from Ani is here [29:24]
  • Find out about my Coaching Programme [32:50]

How to Find Out More About Ani

You can also find Ani's website which is You can get in touch with her here!

You can find Ani's Podcast, the Write2BRead Podcast on iTunes here: Don't forget to leave Ani a Five Star Rating and Review

You can find Ani's service at

The coupon code to get a 5% discount is OLP5

Other Places Mentioned in this Podcast

Meron Bareket's Podcast Incubator can be found here -

How Can I Help You with Your Udemy Business?


Are you ready to have a chat about how I can help you?

Lets set up a 30 minute no obligation call to discuss where you are and what you are doing.  This will help me to understand what you need and how I can help you.

Simply click on this link - - to take my short and simple 9 question survey!

There is no obligation at this point.  I will review your registration and then get back to you within a few days.  We can arrange a short call if you have any questions and then move forward.

Here is the link again to take the short Survey -

New Course: Amazon FBA -  Make Money Working from Home: Business Plan Blueprint Just $19.00 - Time Limited!

To celebrate the launch of my latest course you can enrol for just $19 (compared to the normal list price of $498) by using code "OLP19".  Just click on this link to go direct to the course:

Don't forget to check out my Courses on Udemy which you can find at

I need your help!

If you haven’t already, I would love if you could be amazing and take a minute to leave a quick rating and review of the podcast on iTunes by clicking on the link below. It’s the most amazing way to help the show grow and reach more people!

Leave a Review for John's Podcast by clicking on this link

Don't Miss An Episode!  Subscribe Below:




Using something Else?  Copy this Address: or;e975168c39a63e2f7befd9ba8758bf9e


*** Full Disclosure: these are affiliate links.  If you click on this link, you will not pay any more (you still get the full discount) but I will earn a Commission.  If you do buy a course, please email me at john[at]jbdcolley[dot]com and tell me about it.  I would love to thank you personnally for supporting The Online Learning Podcast! Don't forget you can still access the Course and the discount without going through the Affiliate Scheme by simply searching for the Course on Udemy and using the Coupon Code at Checkout in the normal way.  If you do this, Udemy will receive their normal commission and the Course Creator will get the whole of the balance. It is entirely up to you :)

Check out this episode!

Saturday 4 July 2015

OLP116 Open Coaching Session with Jeremy Deighan


In today's Episode of the Online Learning Podcast, I am delighted to welcome Jeremy Deighan to the Online Learning Podcast.  An expert in media, Jeremy is relatively  new to Udemy and we thought it would be really helpful to conduct an open coaching session as a OLP Episode - so here it is.  Jeremy came up with the questions which are below.


Join the Online Learning Club - my Facebook Group for Online Learners


This is my Facebook Group for the Online Learning Community and you are most welcome to join us.  Just click on this link to go to the Page and ask to join the Group.

In this Week's Episode: Jeremy Deigan

In this Episode Jeremy and I discuss:

  • 1) What was your first course, and what was the experience like?2) Do you feel it is better to stay in one specific niche, or is it ok to diversify your talents and try multiple niches?
    3) The data from Visokio Omniscope is amazing. I have heard you mention that it also has a high price point. Do you have or plan on creating courses for this software? Do you have or plan on sharing this information either publicly or through a subscription?
    4) When creating courses, do you prefer using your time to create many average quality courses or less high quality courses?
    5)Recently you mentioned changing all of your courses to a fixed price of $19 to match the market of sales from what Udemy offers. Have you seen any change in sales since you made this adjustment?
    6) What is the best strategy for building an email list from someone who currently has no following, no audience, and maybe no website?
    7) Why do you recommend to have multiple Twitter accounts when creating a promotion strategy?
    8) Do you feel that it is better to focus all of your energy on a couple of platforms such as Udemy and Youtube, or put your courses on as many channels as you can find?
    9) How else can I build a brand through multiple networks? I know that you also have social media, podcast, and eBooks. Do you have any other recommendations for getting yourself noticed in the online world?
    10) If you had to start over from the beginning with the knowledge you have now, what would you have done differently?

Get my New Course: Fiverr Success

You can enrol in my new course about how to be a success on Fiverr by using Coupon Code OLP9 or just clicking on this link!

How to Find Out More About Jeremy

Check out Jeremy's Website at



Email Jeremy at

How Can I Help You with Your Udemy Business?


Are you ready to have a chat about how I can help you?

Lets set up a 30 minute no obligation call to discuss where you are and what you are doing.  This will help me to understand what you need and how I can help you.

Simply click on this link - - to take my short and simple 9 question survey!

There is no obligation at this point.  I will review your registration and then get back to you within a few days.  We can arrange a short call if you have any questions and then move forward.

Here is the link again to take the short Survey -

New Course: Amazon FBA -  Make Money Working from Home: Business Plan Blueprint Just $19.00 - Time Limited!

To celebrate the launch of my latest course you can enrol for just $19 (compared to the normal list price of $498) by using code "OLP19".  Just click on this link to go direct to the course:

Don't forget to check out my Courses on Udemy which you can find at

I need your help!

If you haven’t already, I would love if you could be amazing and take a minute to leave a quick rating and review of the podcast on iTunes by clicking on the link below. It’s the most amazing way to help the show grow and reach more people!

Leave a Review for John's Podcast by clicking on this link

Don't Miss An Episode!  Subscribe Below:




Using something Else?  Copy this Address: or;e975168c39a63e2f7befd9ba8758bf9e


*** Full Disclosure: these are affiliate links.  If you click on this link, you will not pay any more (you still get the full discount) but I will earn a Commission.  If you do buy a course, please email me at john[at]jbdcolley[dot]com and tell me about it.  I would love to thank you personnally for supporting The Online Learning Podcast! Don't forget you can still access the Course and the discount without going through the Affiliate Scheme by simply searching for the Course on Udemy and using the Coupon Code at Checkout in the normal way.  If you do this, Udemy will receive their normal commission and the Course Creator will get the whole of the balance. It is entirely up to you :)

Check out this episode!