
Friday 18 September 2015

OLP123 New Media Europe 2015 with Mike & Izabela Russell, Amy Schmittauer and Chris Ducker

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In today's Episode of the Online Learning Podcast, I am delighted to welcome four guests whom I had the pleasure of meeting at New Media Europe 2015.  First I have a great chat with Mike and Izabela Russell, the founders of NMEU 2015, then Amy Schmittauer from shares some great advice on video making and finally Chris Ducker tells us all about Periscope and

In this Week's Episode: Mike and Izabela Russell, Amy Schmittauer and Chris Ducker

In this Episode we discuss:

Mike and Izabella Russell

  • The "Be Yourself" theme which emerged at the conference
  • Why you should consider coming to the conference next year
  • Why the New Media Community is growing so fast
  • How to attend next years conference

 You can find out more about New Media Europe by visiting

If you want to get audio recordings of all the presentations, you can click on this link to get your virtual ticket

Amy Schmittauer

  • The advantages for marketers of creating online video
  • Why you need to jump right into your content
  • Why retaining your audience is the most important metric on Youtube
  • What is the optimum length for a marketing video on Youtube
  • Why you need a professional thumbnail
  • Video techniques and why Amy likes Jump Cutting

Amy Schmittauer is Founder and Face of, a resource helping brands develop and execute a social media marketing strategy to grow awareness and increase sales by showing off their amazing personality online. Leading the charge in video blogging for business, Amy has grown a following for the site that has amassed more than 1 million videos views and become a vital referral source to her video content marketing consultancy and professional speaking career.

An experienced creative, she has helped a number of industries learn how to embrace video content marketing to grow brand awareness including business events, marketing agencies, video production studios, magazine publications, real estate professionals, authors, speakers and many more.

She is a proud beagle mom, coffee addict and shares most of her life via video and on Twitter. A true social media frenzy.

(Thanks to NMEU2015 for this profile..)

Chris Ducker

  • Periscope and why Chris is all in!
  • The new Youpreneur community which Chris has just launched!

Chris Ducker is a serial entrepreneur, speaker and author of the bestselling book, “Virtual Freedom”. Originally from the UK, Chris has lived in the Philippines for 14-years, where he has founded several businesses, including an outsourced call center facility, a virtual assistant recruitment hub and a co-working space. He is also a popular business blogger and podcaster at

(Thanks to NMEU2015 for this profile..)

Check out Periscope TV here -


To find out more about Youpreneur and how you can become a member of the community, just click on this Link

New Media Europe 2015 Virtual Ticket

Follow this Link to find out all about how you can get your Virtual Tickets to New Media Europe 2015

Other Places Mentioned in this Podcast

Discover New Media Creative and all their amazing Audio Talents at

Subscribe to the New Media Europe Show Podcast on iTunes -

One to One Coaching with John Colley

Are you ready to really take your Online Course into the stratosphere?  Then complete this survey and we can schedule a 30 minute call to see whether we are a great fit to work together.  This is what one of my students thinks about my coaching!

Join the Online Learning Club - my Facebook Group for Online Learners

Online Learning Club

This is my Facebook Group for the Online Learning Community and you are most welcome to join us.  Just click on this link to go to the Page and ask to join the Group.


 Full Disclosure: these are affiliate links. If you click on this link, you will not pay any more (you still get the full discount) but I will earn a Commission. If you do buy a course, please email me at john[at]jbdcolley[dot]com and tell me about it. I would love to thank you personnally for supporting The Online Learning Podcast! Don't forget you can still access the Course and the discount without going through the Affiliate Scheme by simply searching for the Course on Udemy and using the Coupon Code at Checkout in the normal way. If you do this, Udemy will receive their normal commission and the Course Creator will get the whole of the balance. It is entirely up to you.

Check out this episode!

Friday 11 September 2015

An Aviators Wife on the Home Front in WWII with Vickie Maris

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In today's Episode of the Online Learning Podcast, I am delighted to welcome Vickie Maris who has created on of the most unique courses on Udemy - a real living history course.  She has interviewed her mother about life as the wife of a US Airforce Aviator during World War II.  We also have an interesting discussion about Periscope - the new live streaming App from Twitter.

In this Week's Episode: Vickie Maris

In this Episode Vickie and I discuss:

  • How Vickie came to put her course together
  • How she first created a DVD set and the complexities of that set up
  • How Vickie came to pull all this information together
  • How Vickie came to learn about Udemy and create her own course
  • Vickie's use of the great new live streaming App Periscope
  • How to save your periscopes to your iphone
  • How to reuse your Periscope broadcasts in your courses
  • How Margueritte Beaty creates a template to backdrop your Periscopes to create a 16:9 presentation
  • Why Vickie thinks Chris Ducker's Periscopes are inspirational
  • Some of the stories shared by Vickie's mother in her course

Find out More About Kristen's Courses

Check out Kristen on Udemy at

Get Vickie's courses for just $15 with Coupon Code OLP15 - or just click on the link below.

Aviator's Wife Tells of Home Front Life During World War 2 - Get his course for just $15 by clicking on this link.

Find out More about Vickie

You can find out all about Vickie on her website at

Mentioned in this Episode

Check out Periscope TV here -

Chris Ducker can be found at

Margueritte Beaty's Periscope Template video can be found here -

New Media Europe - Manchester, England - 12-13 September 2015

Follow this Link to find out all about how you can get your Tickets to New Media Europe 2015

Ready To Be Heard!

This unique conference is aimed at podcasters, bloggers, social media visionaries, content creators, entrepreneurs, marketing professionals and new media enthusiasts who are looking to up their game through the effective use of new media tools ‒ such as podcasting, blogging and social media ‒ in their endeavours.

During this two-day event, you will have the choice to attend over 24 sessions prepared by some of the best speakers in the world. From general ‘know-how’ sessions and technical workshops to inspiring keynote speeches ‒ you are going to be equipped with the new media knowledge, ideas and inspiration that will make you stand out from others in your niche!

Networking events throughout the whole weekend will enable you to connect with other like-minded individuals.

Top 3 Reasons to Attend:

1. Education. Only the best speakers have been selected to help you stay abreast of the top trends in new media.

2. Networking. You will have the chance to connect with others in your field during scheduled breaks, parties and meet-ups.

3. Inspiration. By collecting ideas and meeting individuals from your area(s) of specialisation, you will be inspired to take action and follow the steps to success.

Who Is Going To Be There?

Rub shoulders with like-minded individuals and experts.

During the New Media Europe Conference in September 2015, you are going to meet other podcasters, bloggers, social media visionaries, content creators, entrepreneurs and new media enthusiasts!

This is the most outstanding new media conference to hit Europe in 2015.

Why Should You Attend?

We have seen how new media can help entrepreneurs and businesses to thrive. This event is your chance to connect with the latest trends, practical tools and most of all, successful individuals from around the globe.

By attending New Media Europe, you will find out why paying attention to new media is the single most important thing you can do this year!

How to Apply for Tickets

Follow this Link to find out all about how you can get your Tickets to New Media Europe 2015 - Don't forget to use Coupon Code "Podcast" to get 20% of the price of your ticket! (Affiliate Link)

Other Places Mentioned in this Podcast

Discover New Media Creative and all their amazing Audio Talents at

Subscribe to the New Media Europe Show Podcast on iTunes -

Subscribe to Nick Loper's Side Hustle Show Podcast on iTunes here

Subscribe to Pat Flynn's Smart Passive Income Podcast on iTunes here

Subscribe to Jaime Tardy's Eventual Millionaire Podcast on iTunes here

Subscribe to Amy Porterfield's Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast on iTunes here

Check out my New Audio Book

From Passion to Profits with Online Courses - Liberate Your Inner Expert, Teach the World and Get Paid for It!

Passion to Profits Promo Video 2.001

Follow this Link to Access and Download the rest of this Audio Book for Free

Join the Online Learning Club - my Facebook Group for Online Learners

Online Learning Club

This is my Facebook Group for the Online Learning Community and you are most welcome to join us.  Just click on this link to go to the Page and ask to join the Group.


 Full Disclosure: these are affiliate links. If you click on this link, you will not pay any more (you still get the full discount) but I will earn a Commission. If you do buy a course, please email me at john[at]jbdcolley[dot]com and tell me about it. I would love to thank you personnally for supporting The Online Learning Podcast! Don't forget you can still access the Course and the discount without going through the Affiliate Scheme by simply searching for the Course on Udemy and using the Coupon Code at Checkout in the normal way. If you do this, Udemy will receive their normal commission and the Course Creator will get the whole of the balance. It is entirely up to you.


Check out this episode!

Friday 4 September 2015

OLP121 How Colour can impact your Udemy Courses with Kristen Palana

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In today's Episode of the Online Learning Podcast, I am delighted to welcome Kristen Palana, a Professor of Multimedia from the American University in Rome and a successful Udemy instructor. Kristen shares her mastery of colour psychology and explains how you can use colour to effectively stand out in Udemy and make your courses more engaging for your students.

In this Week's Episode: Kristen Palana

In this Episode Kristen and I discuss:

  • How her Colour Psychology course to help be more impactful
  • How colour psychology can help the way people perceive you
  • Web design course helps you with your website design
  • How you can get to grips with Wordpress
  • Her crowd funding experience based on 10 years of experience
  • How imaging and colour psychology can impact your business
  • What colour psychology can mean across borders
  • How gender can affect colour choices
  • How to use colour to affect the way people think about you
  • How to use colour to make your courses more effective
  • How to use colour in your lectures to have a positive impact
  • Where you should use colour in your Udemy lectures
  • Why you should avoid rainbow colours in your text
  • Why red and orange can invigorate your Udemy students
  • The importance of hierarchy in your online text
  • Why you need to avoid lack of contrast on your webpage
  • Why its easier to read black text on a white background
  • How Kristen makes her course images stand out
  • Why Kristen changes her images to contrast with other courses
  • How to make your images stand out to get promoted by Udemy

Find out More About Kristen's Courses

Check out Kristen on Udemy at

Get any of Kristen's courses for just $10 with Coupon Code OLP10 - or just click on the links below.

Wordpress in 1 Hour: Quick & Easy Essentials For Busy People

Creativity: Skyrocket Your Creativity

Create Quick & Easy Unique Illustrations In Illustrator

Photoshop | GIMP Spotlight: Top Image Hacks You NEED to Know

Make It Happen: Empowering Women for Success - FREE

Crowdfunding Confidential: Raise Money for You & Your Cause

Web Snax: Super Simple Recipes for Easy Web Design

Life Hack With Color Psychology: Increase Your Influence

Web Design Do's and Don'ts: Evaluate Your Web Site

Find out More about Kristen

You can find out all about Kristen on her website at


New Media Europe - Manchester, England - 12-13 September 2015

Follow this Link to find out all about how you can get your Tickets to New Media Europe 2015

Ready To Be Heard!

This unique conference is aimed at podcasters, bloggers, social media visionaries, content creators, entrepreneurs, marketing professionals and new media enthusiasts who are looking to up their game through the effective use of new media tools ‒ such as podcasting, blogging and social media ‒ in their endeavours.

During this two-day event, you will have the choice to attend over 24 sessions prepared by some of the best speakers in the world. From general ‘know-how’ sessions and technical workshops to inspiring keynote speeches ‒ you are going to be equipped with the new media knowledge, ideas and inspiration that will make you stand out from others in your niche!

Networking events throughout the whole weekend will enable you to connect with other like-minded individuals.

Top 3 Reasons to Attend:

1. Education. Only the best speakers have been selected to help you stay abreast of the top trends in new media.

2. Networking. You will have the chance to connect with others in your field during scheduled breaks, parties and meet-ups.

3. Inspiration. By collecting ideas and meeting individuals from your area(s) of specialisation, you will be inspired to take action and follow the steps to success.

Who Is Going To Be There?

Rub shoulders with like-minded individuals and experts.

During the New Media Europe Conference in September 2015, you are going to meet other podcasters, bloggers, social media visionaries, content creators, entrepreneurs and new media enthusiasts!

This is the most outstanding new media conference to hit Europe in 2015.

Why Should You Attend?

We have seen how new media can help entrepreneurs and businesses to thrive. This event is your chance to connect with the latest trends, practical tools and most of all, successful individuals from around the globe.

By attending New Media Europe, you will find out why paying attention to new media is the single most important thing you can do this year!

How to Apply for Tickets

Follow this Link to find out all about how you can get your Tickets to New Media Europe 2015 - Don't forget to use Coupon Code "Podcast" to get 20% of the price of your ticket! (Affiliate Link)

Other Places Mentioned in this Podcast

Discover New Media Creative and all their amazing Audio Talents at

Subscribe to the New Media Europe Show Podcast on iTunes -

Subscribe to Nick Loper's Side Hustle Show Podcast on iTunes here

Subscribe to Pat Flynn's Smart Passive Income Podcast on iTunes here

Subscribe to Jaime Tardy's Eventual Millionaire Podcast on iTunes here

Subscribe to Amy Porterfield's Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast on iTunes here

Check out my New Audio Book

From Passion to Profits with Online Courses - Liberate Your Inner Expert, Teach the World and Get Paid for It!

Passion to Profits Promo Video 2.001

Follow this Link to Access and Download the rest of this Audio Book for Free

Join the Online Learning Club - my Facebook Group for Online Learners

Online Learning Club

This is my Facebook Group for the Online Learning Community and you are most welcome to join us.  Just click on this link to go to the Page and ask to join the Group.


 Full Disclosure: these are affiliate links. If you click on this link, you will not pay any more (you still get the full discount) but I will earn a Commission. If you do buy a course, please email me at john[at]jbdcolley[dot]com and tell me about it. I would love to thank you personnally for supporting The Online Learning Podcast! Don't forget you can still access the Course and the discount without going through the Affiliate Scheme by simply searching for the Course on Udemy and using the Coupon Code at Checkout in the normal way. If you do this, Udemy will receive their normal commission and the Course Creator will get the whole of the balance. It is entirely up to you.

Check out this episode!