
Tuesday 22 March 2016

Interupt to Profit Promotional Video with Rob Cornish

Check out Interrupt 2 Profit by following this link - (This is an affiliate link - thank you) Simple “trick” to massively boost your email list optins Imagine if there was a simple “trick” that: 1. Took virtually no effort, time or hassle on your part to implement 2. Resulted in a dramatic increase in optins to your email list (and the money you make) Would you use it? Well this is exactly what Rob gives you with this eBook from Rob Cornish Rob has put together a big collection of proven “Pattern Interrupts” – powerful money grabbing tactics that secure and retain attention. You might know Pattern Interrupts are used by famous marketers such as Frank Kern as well as the world’s biggest marketing agencies. But they can benefit you too. Deployed correctly (Rob shows you how), they are hugely powerful in boosting: 1. Your squeeze page optins 2. Email open and click rates 3. Sales page conversions 4. Banner click through rates 5. Blog post engagement 6. Video and webinar “Stick” rates …AND… they are super FAST and EASY to put to work. I HIGHLY recommend you pick this up – it’s unique and very, very good. Best regards - John

Friday 18 March 2016

Udemy Pricing Change - A Strategic Change to Udemy Discounting!

Get My Udemy Course Directory for just $1 here (limited time only!) Udemy Pricing is about to undergo a major change - and I think this heralds a major step forward! Watch the Video to find out why I have now changed all my courses but 1 to $20! The changes can be summarised as: Updated Price Range: Effective April 4, 2016, courses on Udemy will be priced between $20 and $50; we will also continue to support free courses. Updated Price Tiers: Each course price will be individually set by the instructor between $20-$50, and within one of 7 pricing tiers: $20, $25, $30, $35, $40, $45, $50. For more information on why we’ve selected these tiers, click here. Updated Discounts: Course discounts, for both Udemy coupons and instructor coupons, will be capped at 50% off; we will also continue to support free coupons. You can find them at Please subscribe to the channel and leave a comment below! Six Minute Strategist Online at Courses: Facebook: Twitter: