
Monday 20 June 2016

OCI BC Stack Bonus Podcast with Rachel Martin and Dan Morris

Today its my great pleasure to welcome Rachel Martin and Dan Morris to the Online Courses Insider Podcast. Rachel and Dan are the founders of BC Stack, a project where they bundle an amazing array of courses and products into a digital “Stack” and then market this stack globally to a wide audience. I was very honnoured to be invited to participate and had to get them on to the show to share it with you.


If you are a Digital Entrepreneur, is this something you can do?


This Week’s Guests: Rachel Martin and Dan Morris


In this Episode you will discover:


  • A little more about Rachel and Dan
  • How they came up with the idea for BC Stack – and yes, it involves Rachel’s van
  • What BC Stack is
  • Some of the people and products in BC Stack this time round
  • How BC Stack Works
  • How you can make the concept of BC Stack work for you


Link to BC Stack


BC Stack runs from 27th June to 1st July 2016


You Can Find BC Stack here:


Full Disclosure: This is my affiliate link and if you click on it and purchase the stack you will not pay any more but I will benefit – thank you for keeping Henry, my Border Collie, in dog biscuits


You can find out more about Rachel and Dan:


Blogging -

Finding -

Check out this episode!

Friday 17 June 2016

OCI 135 Livestreaming Facebook and Course Creation with OBS Studio with Ian Anderson Gray



Today I am delighted to welcome Ian Anderson Gray to the Online Courses Insider Show. Ian is a technical wizard and when I heard that he had found a way to Livestream on Facebook from his Desktop and that the software was free, I had to get him on to the show to discuss his breakthrough. It also quickly became apparent that the OBS Studio software was also potentially a way to create Online Courses without having to invest in Screenflow or Camtasia.


Check out our Free Introductory Tutorial to OBS Studio below


This week’s Guest: Ian Anderson Gray



In this Episode you will discover:


  • Why Facebook Live is so important – a real game changer
  • Limits of Facebook Live on Mobile Phones
  • Can you justify the $500 cost of Wirecast?
  • Why OBS Studio is such a good answer
  • How to hook up your screen, video and mic to record
  • How to download OBS Studio
  • How to create “scenes” with multiple input sources
  • How to add text, multiple layers and switch between them
  • How to add images
  • How to share Skype conversations and video
  • How to share Smart Phone video with Reflector 2 or AirPlay
  • How to use OBS Studio for a Periscope broadcast
  • How to create an video course with OBS Studio
  • Discover some advanced settings
  • How to use a 2 monitor set up
  • How to stream to Facebook and record the video at the same time
  • Ian’s OBS Studio Course
  • Why you need a “stream key” to stream to your Profile or Group
  • How to get the most out of OBS Studio
  • Ian’s view of Facebook’s vision for the future
  • How does OBS Studio compare to Wirecast


Find out more about Ian on his website: Seriously Social at


Free Video Tutorial – Introduction to OBS Studio with Ian Anderson Gray and John Colley

 Just follow this link to access this free video training – approximately 12 minutes.


How to Broadcast from your Computer with Facebook Live

Discover Ian’s Online Course by clicking on this Link


Use Coupon Code

The code is OLP20 and gives $20 off making it $39


OBS Studio


You can download OBS Studio by clicking on this link

Check out this episode!

Friday 3 June 2016

OCI134 Amazon Video Direct Unwrapped with Rob Cubbon


Today I am delighted to Welcome Rob Cubbon to the Online Courses Insider Podcast. Rob has been a digital entrepreneur for 10 years and as he freely admits has tried many strategies in his business over this time. Today we discuss the newly unveiled Amazon Video Direct platform and its potential for helping us to grow our businesses.


This Week’s Guest: Rob Cubbon





In this Episode you will discover:

  • What has changed in Rob’s business over the past six months
  • The impact that Udemy’s price change has had from Rob’s perspective
  • The platform’s that Rob currently recommends for his online courses
  • Why its important to have multiple streams of income for your business
  • Why Rob is so keen on Amazon Kindle Books and publishing on the KDP platform
  • How to set up your account on Amazon Video Direct
  • Why Amazon Video Direct is a similar model to the Amazon KDP Platform
  • The difference between standalone, episodic and subscription videos
  • How to get the most out of your video titles
  • The importance of getting keywords into your Video Synopsis
  • The biggest sticking point for most publishers and how to overcome it
  • How to price your video on Amazon Video Direct
  • What sort of videos will work on Amazon Video Direct – and why its counter intuitive
  • Why promoting your video is important
  • Rob’s current three (well actually six) prioritites for his business
  • What Rob thinks about Facebook Live and Periscope
  • How to get the balance right between Content Creation, Marketing and Sales in a Digital Business
  • What Rob has done with Active Campaign to improve his email autoresponders



Find Out More About Rob at:


Mentioned in this Episode:

360 Training:


Amazon Video Direct:

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP):


Deal Fuel:



Josh Kaufman The Personal MBA…a World Class Business Education in a Single Volume – find it here on 



Check out this episode!