
Friday 1 May 2015

OLP107 How to create a Book from a Udemy Course with David Nihill

Online Learning Podcast Episode 107 How to create a Book from a Udemy Course with David Nihill

In today's Episode of the Online Learning Podcast, I am delighted to welcome David Nihill, Udemy Instructor, Comedian and Best Selling Author.  David explains how he created his best selling book from his Udemy course and then launched a conference business on the back of both.

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In this Week's Episode: David Nihil


In this Episode David and I discuss:

  • How to become a funny speaker
  • Why David spent a year testing comedy techniques
  • How David discovered Udemy and created his first course
  • Why David found Udemy a great channel to find his audience
  • How David took his course and turned it into an Book
  • How David used his course as the outline for his book
  • How he outsourced the transcription of his course to oDesk
  • How David engaged an editor to help him create the written text
  • How David financed his book from his Udemy earnings
  • How David proved his book concept from his Udemy course
  • The process of refining and editing the book before publication
  • The importance of proving concept and building an audience
  • How David engaged an agent once he had proved his book concept
  • How David created the FunnyBizz Conference from his course and his book
  • What David did to get his book to feature on Amazon Bestseller
  • What was the single biggest thing David did to get downloads
  • How David created his audio book from his book
  • James Altucher's blog post on self publishing
  • Charlie Hoehn blog post on self marketing his book
  • The importance of using a professional studio for creating an audio book
  • The importance of creating an audio book as part of your product offering
  • The benefits of using Createspace to publish hard copies of your book
  • How David created his cover using a 99Designs competition
  • Why he ran a test in Pat Flynn's Facebook Group to prove his cover design
  • The key lesson from the whole process hint, its the marketing!
  • Outline budget to produce his book from his Udemy Course
  • Why its worth spending money on a quality editor

Enrol in David's Courses for just $19 using coupon code OLP19

Become a Better and Funnier Speaker - click on this link to enroll in the course for just $19

Find out more about David

You can find out more about David at the following links:

David's Blog:

The FunnyBizz Blog:

Davis is on Twitter at

Other Links Mentioned in the Episode

James Altucher Blog post:

Charlie Hoehn:

Nathan Barry:

Join the Online Learning Club - my Facebook Group for Online Learners

This is my Facebook Group for the Online Learning Community and you are most welcome to join us.  Just click on this link to go to the Page and ask to join the Group.

New Course: Win at Business Development: Get More Leads and Sales Fast - Just $29.00 - Time Limited!

To celebrate the launch of my latest course you can enrol for just $29 (compared to the normal list price which will be $197) by using code "OLP29".  Just click on this link to go direct to the course:

Don't forget to check out my Courses on Udemy which you can find at

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Check out this episode!

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