
Friday 19 June 2015

OLP114 Side Hustle to Success with Nick Loper



In today's Episode of the Online Learning Podcast, I am delighted to welcome the Side Hustler In Chief, Nick Loper.  Nick is the author of Side Hustle Nation and his regular podcast is a must to listen. Nick discusses two of his Side Hustles, his Kindle Book Launch and his Udemy Course, providing some really amazing information for everyone to take away and implement for their projects - make sure you are one of them!


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This is my Facebook Group for the Online Learning Community and you are most welcome to join us.  Just click on this link to go to the Page and ask to join the Group.

In this Week's Episode: Nick Loper

In this Episode Nick and I discuss:

  • the integration of online earning and online learning
  • why Amazon is an amazing place to repurpose your course content
  • why ebooks can add authority to your online presence
  • how to launch your ebook on Amazon
  • why Nick started with a free promotion for his first ebook
  • How Nick drove 20,000 downloads for his books
  • How to build in vitality for your ebook
  • How to make the transition to paid at the right time
  • The right price to set your book when you switch it to paid
  • How you book can become a passive income asset after launch
  • How to cross sell between books once you have more than one
  • How Nick launched his Udemy course about the book launch
  • Why you need 1,000 students when you launch your course
  • Why its better to sell as a Udemy affiliate to keep track of results
  • What would Nick do differently when he launches his next course
  • Why Nick sends a personal link to every paid enrolled student

Enrol in Nick's Courses for just

Kindle Launch Plan: $1400 in 30 Days & an Amazon Best Seller - enrol for just $24 using coupon code OLP

Virtual Assistant: Find, Hire, Train and Manage - enrol for just $19 using coupon code OLP

How to Find Out More About Nick

You can also find Nick's website which is

Other Places Mentioned in this Podcast

Smart Passive Income Blog and Podcast with Pat Flynn

Pat's First Kindle Book (From Start to Finish) Facebook Group

Guest Post on How Nick Launched his eBook on Amazon from Steve Scot's Blog, Internet Lifestyle without the B.S.

Udemy Launch Strategy and Results – $3525 in 60 Days from Side Hustle Nation

How Can I Help You with Your Udemy Business?


Are you ready to have a chat about how I can help you?

Lets set up a 30 minute no obligation call to discuss where you are and what you are doing.  This will help me to understand what you need and how I can help you.

Simply click on this link - - to take my short and simple 9 question survey!

There is no obligation at this point.  I will review your registration and then get back to you within a few days.  We can arrange a short call if you have any questions and then move forward.

Here is the link again to take the short Survey -

New Course: Amazon FBA -  Make Money Working from Home: Business Plan Blueprint Just $19.00 - Time Limited!

To celebrate the launch of my latest course you can enrol for just $19 (compared to the normal list price of $498) by using code "OLP19".  Just click on this link to go direct to the course:

Don't forget to check out my Courses on Udemy which you can find at

I need your help!

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*** Full Disclosure: these are affiliate links.  If you click on this link, you will not pay any more (you still get the full discount) but I will earn a Commission.  If you do buy a course, please email me at john[at]jbdcolley[dot]com and tell me about it.  I would love to thank you personnally for supporting The Online Learning Podcast! Don't forget you can still access the Course and the discount without going through the Affiliate Scheme by simply searching for the Course on Udemy and using the Coupon Code at Checkout in the normal way.  If you do this, Udemy will receive their normal commission and the Course Creator will get the whole of the balance. It is entirely up to you :)

Check out this episode!

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