
Friday 8 July 2016

OCI 138 Customer Manipulation with Chloe Thomas


Its my great pleasure this week to welcome Chloe Thomas to the Online Courses Insider Show. Chloe is an ecommerce expert and author of the newly published book, Customer Manipulation. Chloe provides a framework to help you to understand where you need to focus your market efforts to have the most impact on your ecommerce business.


This Week’s Guest: Chloe Thomas



In this Episode you will discover:


  • Who is Chloe Thomas
  • What is Customer Manipulation and why do it
  • How Chloe described her book – imagining she was drunk
  • What is meant by Manipulation
  • How to understand the Customer Masterplan Model
  • Why you should be doing right now in your business
  • The Six Circles, Five Arrows and Five Stages of the Model
  • What is meant by the “customer conversation”
  • How to attract the right visitors
  • How to understand the three types of marketing
  • Shine a Light Activities – make the world aware that you exist
  • Target Customer Tactics
  • Get Found Tactics – really focused on targeting customers
  • The importance of classifying your marketing
  • How to turn Visitors into Enquirers
  • The importance of strategy in building trust
  • How to get that email sign up
  • How to turn Enquirers into First Time Buyers
  • Turning your Buyers into Repeat Buyers
  • Why its important to get the second purchase ASAP
  • Why upsells and downsells might not work
  • How to decide where to start
  • How to follow Chloe’s recommendation on where to start with your business


You can find out more about Chloe and Customer Manipulation


Check out this episode!

Friday 1 July 2016

OCI 137 Branding Building: Build and Boost Your Brand with Phil Pallen

Today its my great pleasure to welcome Phil Pallen to the Online Courses Insider Show! Phil was a mesmirising keynote speaker at New Media Europe 2016. Phil is a Brand Expert who helps a very wide range of clients all over the world build and promote their brands.


This Week’s Guest: Phil Pallen



In this Episode you will discover:


  • What Brand Building does for you
  • Why bother with Branding
  • Where does Phil start with a new client
  • How Phil combines, Photography, Typography and all the other elements when creating a brand
  • The impact of your audiences’ 3 second attention span
  • What is meant by Sub Branding
  • How Phil uses Iconography as part of the brand building process
  • Some of his most interesting client experiences
  • How Phil combined the letter D, an Elephant and a Coffe Cup for a client
  • Some quick wins to improve your own brand
  • How to get your Avatar right
  • Phil’s book, “Shut Up and Tweet”
  • How to make the most of Social Media platforms
  • Why its important for people to be able to find you
  • Why you should give your social media platforms purpose
  • How Phil uses Snapchat for his business
  • Why Phil believes that Video is going to be incredibly important in the future


Examples of Phils’ Branding Mentioned in the Podcast




Find Out More About Phil


Twitter: @philpallen

SnapChat: PhilPallen



You can find Phil’s book: Shut Up and Tweet on Amazon


New Media Europe 2016


You can get your Virtual Ticket to New Media Europe 2016 by clicking on this link. This is an affiliate link. If you do purchase a ticket, thank you. I will benefit but you will not pay more.

Check out this episode!

Monday 20 June 2016

OCI BC Stack Bonus Podcast with Rachel Martin and Dan Morris

Today its my great pleasure to welcome Rachel Martin and Dan Morris to the Online Courses Insider Podcast. Rachel and Dan are the founders of BC Stack, a project where they bundle an amazing array of courses and products into a digital “Stack” and then market this stack globally to a wide audience. I was very honnoured to be invited to participate and had to get them on to the show to share it with you.


If you are a Digital Entrepreneur, is this something you can do?


This Week’s Guests: Rachel Martin and Dan Morris


In this Episode you will discover:


  • A little more about Rachel and Dan
  • How they came up with the idea for BC Stack – and yes, it involves Rachel’s van
  • What BC Stack is
  • Some of the people and products in BC Stack this time round
  • How BC Stack Works
  • How you can make the concept of BC Stack work for you


Link to BC Stack


BC Stack runs from 27th June to 1st July 2016


You Can Find BC Stack here:


Full Disclosure: This is my affiliate link and if you click on it and purchase the stack you will not pay any more but I will benefit – thank you for keeping Henry, my Border Collie, in dog biscuits


You can find out more about Rachel and Dan:


Blogging -

Finding -

Check out this episode!

Friday 17 June 2016

OCI 135 Livestreaming Facebook and Course Creation with OBS Studio with Ian Anderson Gray



Today I am delighted to welcome Ian Anderson Gray to the Online Courses Insider Show. Ian is a technical wizard and when I heard that he had found a way to Livestream on Facebook from his Desktop and that the software was free, I had to get him on to the show to discuss his breakthrough. It also quickly became apparent that the OBS Studio software was also potentially a way to create Online Courses without having to invest in Screenflow or Camtasia.


Check out our Free Introductory Tutorial to OBS Studio below


This week’s Guest: Ian Anderson Gray



In this Episode you will discover:


  • Why Facebook Live is so important – a real game changer
  • Limits of Facebook Live on Mobile Phones
  • Can you justify the $500 cost of Wirecast?
  • Why OBS Studio is such a good answer
  • How to hook up your screen, video and mic to record
  • How to download OBS Studio
  • How to create “scenes” with multiple input sources
  • How to add text, multiple layers and switch between them
  • How to add images
  • How to share Skype conversations and video
  • How to share Smart Phone video with Reflector 2 or AirPlay
  • How to use OBS Studio for a Periscope broadcast
  • How to create an video course with OBS Studio
  • Discover some advanced settings
  • How to use a 2 monitor set up
  • How to stream to Facebook and record the video at the same time
  • Ian’s OBS Studio Course
  • Why you need a “stream key” to stream to your Profile or Group
  • How to get the most out of OBS Studio
  • Ian’s view of Facebook’s vision for the future
  • How does OBS Studio compare to Wirecast


Find out more about Ian on his website: Seriously Social at


Free Video Tutorial – Introduction to OBS Studio with Ian Anderson Gray and John Colley

 Just follow this link to access this free video training – approximately 12 minutes.


How to Broadcast from your Computer with Facebook Live

Discover Ian’s Online Course by clicking on this Link


Use Coupon Code

The code is OLP20 and gives $20 off making it $39


OBS Studio


You can download OBS Studio by clicking on this link

Check out this episode!

Friday 3 June 2016

OCI134 Amazon Video Direct Unwrapped with Rob Cubbon


Today I am delighted to Welcome Rob Cubbon to the Online Courses Insider Podcast. Rob has been a digital entrepreneur for 10 years and as he freely admits has tried many strategies in his business over this time. Today we discuss the newly unveiled Amazon Video Direct platform and its potential for helping us to grow our businesses.


This Week’s Guest: Rob Cubbon





In this Episode you will discover:

  • What has changed in Rob’s business over the past six months
  • The impact that Udemy’s price change has had from Rob’s perspective
  • The platform’s that Rob currently recommends for his online courses
  • Why its important to have multiple streams of income for your business
  • Why Rob is so keen on Amazon Kindle Books and publishing on the KDP platform
  • How to set up your account on Amazon Video Direct
  • Why Amazon Video Direct is a similar model to the Amazon KDP Platform
  • The difference between standalone, episodic and subscription videos
  • How to get the most out of your video titles
  • The importance of getting keywords into your Video Synopsis
  • The biggest sticking point for most publishers and how to overcome it
  • How to price your video on Amazon Video Direct
  • What sort of videos will work on Amazon Video Direct – and why its counter intuitive
  • Why promoting your video is important
  • Rob’s current three (well actually six) prioritites for his business
  • What Rob thinks about Facebook Live and Periscope
  • How to get the balance right between Content Creation, Marketing and Sales in a Digital Business
  • What Rob has done with Active Campaign to improve his email autoresponders



Find Out More About Rob at:


Mentioned in this Episode:

360 Training:


Amazon Video Direct:

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP):


Deal Fuel:



Josh Kaufman The Personal MBA…a World Class Business Education in a Single Volume – find it here on 



Check out this episode!

Friday 27 May 2016

OCI133 Active Campaign Email Marketing with Rob Wilson


My Guest this week is Rob Wilson an expert marketer who is particularly adept with Using Active Campaign and this week's episode is all about how to establish build and grow your email marketing, in particular (but not exclusively) using Active Campaign.


This Week's Guest: Rob Wilson

Founder of the BizSysMan, building business improving systems.

Over 20 years in IT at the Director level. I work as the bridge between IT and the business to produce business systems that produce a return on investment.

Expert in Active Campaign, OptimizePress, OptimizeMember. With certifications in Sales Funnel Creation and Content Marketing.

Also loves WordPress and PHP programming :)

In this Week's Episode you will discover:

  • How email marketing can help your business
  • Why using a proper Email Service Provider is important
  • How to start building your email list
  • How to develop your customer relationship with your email list
  • How to get the most out of Broadcast Emails
  • Why you might want to send out a single email
  • The power of Active Campaign Automations
  • Some examples of how to use Active Campaign Automations
  • The Common problems and mistakes made in email marketing
  • How to avoid some of the pitfalls of email marketing

You can find out more about Rob at:

Generously Rob is offering $15 off his Active Campaign Course which you can find here. Use coupon code "John01" to get the discount

AC Power Start

Step by Step Squeeze Pages

Mentioned in this Episode:

Email Service Providers

Active Campaign - (affiliate link)

Aweber -

Mail Chimp -

Infusion Soft -

Convertkit -

Other Software Tools

Leadpages -


Get Your Active Campaign Email Marketing Cheatsheet - Detailed Notes From This Episode!


Click on the Image above or on this Link to Get Access to Your Email Marketing Cheatsheet! 





Check out this episode!

Friday 20 May 2016

OCI132 Growth Hacking Youtube with Gabby Wallace

My Guest today is Gabby Wallace who I am delighted to interview on this the first episode of the new branding for the show.

Gabby has had amazing success with her Youtube channel and it has been one of the major contributing factors to her success.  Today she shares some great ideas about how you can be successful too!  If you find this helpful, then grab the Cheatsheet I created from the content in the show which you can get below!

Guest: Gabby Wallace


Gabby Wallace earned her Masters Degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages in 2010 and that same year started making ESL video classes with the goal of helping more students learn ESL in a convenient, awesome way.

Gabby has been teaching English as a Second Language since 2004. She loves to travel, learn other languages and explore culture and food.

In this Episode you will discover:

  • Youtube Strategies you should be focusing on
  • Why you need a clear goal
  • Some important facts about Youtube audiences you may not know
  • Why you need to be using Youtube Annotations
  • Why Tags are important and how to create the most relevant ones
  • The importance of Thumbnails and how to create an effective one
  • Why Youtube should be seen as an interacitve platform 
  • How to use Facebook in conjunction with Youtube
  • How to create effective Titles for your Video
  • Why sharing your videos is important
  • How to tie your Youtube Video into other content
  • What you need to know about selling on Youtube
  • How to demarcate your free and paid content
  • What you need to do next!


Are You Looking to Growth Hack Your Youtube Channel following Gabby's advice?


 Just Click on the Image or this Link!


Check out this episode!

Friday 13 May 2016

OLP131 Crazy Eye Marketing with Nathan Williams



In this week's episode I am delighted to welcome Nathan Williams from Crazy Eye Marketing who shares with us the step by step explanation of his lead funnel.  Nathan is an expert marketer and his lead funnel expertise is going to completely blow you away as he shares exactly how and why he constructs his lead funnel the way he does.

This Week's Guest: Nathan Williams


In this Episode Discover:

  • How Nathan transitioned from the Military to becoming an online entrepreneur
  • We discovered a mutual background in the military
  • Interest driven Sales Funnel
  • Understand why Nathan recommends Active Campaign as his email service provider of choice
  • Discover what a Lead Magnet is and how to design a good one which will appeal to your audience
  • Explains how to design an effective Landing page
  • Nathan explains why he has a welcome series and what it involves
  • How you check in Active Campaign if the subscriber is a new subscriber and how Nathan uses Tags
  • Explains what his Action Series is and what it contains
  • Problem, Agitate, Solve Copywriting Formula
  • Why I use Zapier to connect my Course Platforms to Active Campaign
  • Understand how Nathan uses upsells and downsells
  • Conversion rates that indicate success

 Nathan's Interest Driven Sales Funnel - Download the image from here

The Vault

This contains all Nathan’s Courses and everything that Nathan will create in the future too. 

Click on this Link to go to the Special Page Nathan has set up for the Online Learning Podcast Community (Affiliate Link)

Find Out more about Nathan at: 

Crazyeye Marketing Blog -

Active Campaign

Discover the amazing power of Active Campaign - Just click on this link (Affiliate Link)

I am building all my funnels with Active Campaign now and I know you are going to love it!

Can I help you with your Lead Magnets?

Down load my 24 Tips Lead Magnet Cheatsheet by clicking on this link!







Check out this episode!

Friday 6 May 2016

OLP130 Finding Your Prosperity Place with Joan Sotkin


This Week's Guest: Joan Sotkin



It is my pleasure to welcome Joan Sotkin to the Online Learning Podcast.  Joan is an experienced Online Entrepreneur and is now turning her attention to creating online courses.  She is truly inspirational and I hope you enjoy our wide ranging discussion.

You can find out more about Joan at her website -


John's New Youtube Video Optimisation Course

You can enroll in John's new Youtube Video Optimisation Course by following this link.  At the time of publishing this episode of the podcast, the course is free to enroll in at the Six Minute Strategist School.  This may change in the future.

Join the Online Learning Club - my Facebook Group for Online Learners

Online Learning Club

This is my Facebook Group
for the Online Learning Community and you are most welcome to join
us.  Just click on this link to go to the Page and ask to join
the Group.


Check out this episode!

Friday 29 April 2016

OLP129 Courses, Tools and Tactics with Paula Guilfoyle


This week's Guest: Paula Guilfoyle

Its my great pleasure to welcome Paula Guilfoyle to the Online Learning Podcast.  Paula is a profile course creator and educator.  She shares her story with us as well as a whole load of great tactics and tools which you can use to develop your online courses and digital entrepreneur business.

Meet Paula

Paula is a Qualified CPA with over 15 years' experience in the fields of Accountancy, Business Management,Process improvement, Internal Audit, Group accountant, Operations management and Training. All across a broad range of industries and sectors. Paula has been Key Speaker at many Accounting Events where her talks on Excel are received very positively. Taken from her experiences in Accounting and business fields, Paula also has Udemy courses for those wishing to up skill, especially in the area of Spreadsheets, Bookkeeping and Accounting.

Now an E-learning Educator 5+ years, Paula also has a focus on E-learning and online teaching. Drawn from her online teaching experience,Paula has a number of courses available to online teachers to help bridge the skills gap for those that teach or wish to teach online.

Mentioned in this Episode

Goanimate - - Create Animated Videos for your course or business - - Find and hire talented Freelancers - - Find Flashcards to Study or create your own - - free access to courses - - eLearning platform with a difference

Course Promotion: Since Udemy's Price change on 4th April 2016, most of the coupons offered through the Online Learning Podcast are no longer valid.

Join the Online Learning Club - my Facebook Group for Online Learners

Online Learning Club

This is my Facebook Group for the Online Learning Community and you are most welcome to join us.  Just click on this link to go to the Page and ask to join the Group.





Check out this episode!

Friday 22 April 2016

OLP128 Growth Hacking Udemy with Jackie Burgoa


This Week's Guest: Jackie Burgoa

In this week's episode we discuss Digital Marketing with Growth Hacking Expert Jackie Burgoa.  Discover the strategies Jackie used to get her courses ranking in Udemy through using smart and actionable strategies to drive her courses to the top of Udemy organic ranking.  This episode is pure gold for Udemy instructors seeking to improve their courses' rankings in Udemy.

Jackie Burgoa

Meet Jackie

"Hi! I'm Jackie. I have a degree in Architecture from U.C. Berkeley. An MBA from Nova University, a Master of Science in Finance from FIU and you might say I eat, breathe and sleep business growth!

As a digital marketer and business owner, I spend most of my time learning and applying strategies on how to grow a business so I can sell it at a profit! - I share everything I learned over the past 18+ years in my Udemy courses!

In August 2015, my youngest son turned 21. After 20 years of building businesses (many times I succeeded, many times I failed) I ditched my massive house and moved to a cozier place. My goal is to be able to spend more time creating Udemy courses (In English and Spanish) and share my knowledge. I also want to dedicate my time to building IoT (Internet of Things) projects…ah, and Crowdfund them whenever possible."

Jackie's Udemy Profile Page:

Check out to learn more from Jackie

Jackie's Courses:

[NEW] BUSINESS IDEAS: Create A $1,000,000 Business This Week

Growth Hacking: Increase Your Business Cash-Flow Fast!

Digital Marketing 4117% ROI - Sales Funnel Included ($1000)

Course Promotion: Since Udemy's Price change on 4th April 2016, most of the coupons offered through the Online Learning Podcast are no longer valid.

Join the Online Learning Club - my Facebook Group for Online Learners

Online Learning Club

This is my Facebook Group for the Online Learning Community and you are most welcome to join us.  Just click on this link to go to the Page and ask to join the Group.




Check out this episode!

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Interupt to Profit Promotional Video with Rob Cornish

Check out Interrupt 2 Profit by following this link - (This is an affiliate link - thank you) Simple “trick” to massively boost your email list optins Imagine if there was a simple “trick” that: 1. Took virtually no effort, time or hassle on your part to implement 2. Resulted in a dramatic increase in optins to your email list (and the money you make) Would you use it? Well this is exactly what Rob gives you with this eBook from Rob Cornish Rob has put together a big collection of proven “Pattern Interrupts” – powerful money grabbing tactics that secure and retain attention. You might know Pattern Interrupts are used by famous marketers such as Frank Kern as well as the world’s biggest marketing agencies. But they can benefit you too. Deployed correctly (Rob shows you how), they are hugely powerful in boosting: 1. Your squeeze page optins 2. Email open and click rates 3. Sales page conversions 4. Banner click through rates 5. Blog post engagement 6. Video and webinar “Stick” rates …AND… they are super FAST and EASY to put to work. I HIGHLY recommend you pick this up – it’s unique and very, very good. Best regards - John

Friday 18 March 2016

Udemy Pricing Change - A Strategic Change to Udemy Discounting!

Get My Udemy Course Directory for just $1 here (limited time only!) Udemy Pricing is about to undergo a major change - and I think this heralds a major step forward! Watch the Video to find out why I have now changed all my courses but 1 to $20! The changes can be summarised as: Updated Price Range: Effective April 4, 2016, courses on Udemy will be priced between $20 and $50; we will also continue to support free courses. Updated Price Tiers: Each course price will be individually set by the instructor between $20-$50, and within one of 7 pricing tiers: $20, $25, $30, $35, $40, $45, $50. For more information on why we’ve selected these tiers, click here. Updated Discounts: Course discounts, for both Udemy coupons and instructor coupons, will be capped at 50% off; we will also continue to support free coupons. You can find them at Please subscribe to the channel and leave a comment below! Six Minute Strategist Online at Courses: Facebook: Twitter:

Friday 12 February 2016

OLP127 Will It Make The Boat Go Faster? with Ben Hunt-Davis MBE

Today its my great pleasure to welcome Ben Hunt-Davis MBE to the Online Learning Podcast. Ben won a Gold medal in the Great Britain Eight in Rowing at the Sydney Olympics.

The experience of training, competing and winning at the Olympics is the cornerstone of his consulting company and his message, "Will it Make The Boat Go Faster?".

Ben shares his story and his inspirational message in this interview


You can find out more about Ben at his website:

You can buy his book of the same name on Amazon from

Free Training

Make Money with Online Courses - Find out how with the Expert Equation Workshop.

Click on this link to discover how you can do this in this 80 minute workshop seminar video.


Check out this episode!

Wednesday 10 February 2016

OLP Bonus Izabela Russell Invites You to New Media Europe 2016

Its my great pleasure to welcome Izabela Russell back to the Online Learning Podcast to discuss the 2016 New Media Europe Conference which is being held in London on 18th/19th June 2016!

Last year NMEU 2015 was a fantastic success and 2016 is going to be even bigger and better!

Find out about Inspire Day and Learn Day!

Get all the news about the Black Tie Gala Dinner!

Find out who is speaking!

Yes! I am speaking again too! To find out what I am going to be speaking about click on the link to go to the NMEU Website


You can find out all about the Conference by following this Link -

You can find out more about Izabela and Mike and Music Radio Creative by going to their website at


Check out this episode!

Friday 5 February 2016

OLP126 Mark Price Creates Amazing Udemy Coding Courses!

I am delighted to welcome coder and gamer Mark Price to the Online Learning Podcast!


Why Mark sees Udemy as a starting point for his online business

 Advice for new Udemy Instructors

Why asking students to introduce themselves in your course works so well

Deep dive into Mark's Amazing Programming course!

Why students want Udemy courses that benefit their lives

Why Mark includes lot of exercises and projects in his courses

Why Mark has an amazing Chat room on his website to support his course

Why Mark's course offer is "Bonkers"! 

You can enrol in Mark's Courses by clicking on either of the links below:

Discover More about Mark by following the links below:
Twitter Personal:

Check out this episode!