
Friday 8 July 2016

OCI 138 Customer Manipulation with Chloe Thomas


Its my great pleasure this week to welcome Chloe Thomas to the Online Courses Insider Show. Chloe is an ecommerce expert and author of the newly published book, Customer Manipulation. Chloe provides a framework to help you to understand where you need to focus your market efforts to have the most impact on your ecommerce business.


This Week’s Guest: Chloe Thomas



In this Episode you will discover:


  • Who is Chloe Thomas
  • What is Customer Manipulation and why do it
  • How Chloe described her book – imagining she was drunk
  • What is meant by Manipulation
  • How to understand the Customer Masterplan Model
  • Why you should be doing right now in your business
  • The Six Circles, Five Arrows and Five Stages of the Model
  • What is meant by the “customer conversation”
  • How to attract the right visitors
  • How to understand the three types of marketing
  • Shine a Light Activities – make the world aware that you exist
  • Target Customer Tactics
  • Get Found Tactics – really focused on targeting customers
  • The importance of classifying your marketing
  • How to turn Visitors into Enquirers
  • The importance of strategy in building trust
  • How to get that email sign up
  • How to turn Enquirers into First Time Buyers
  • Turning your Buyers into Repeat Buyers
  • Why its important to get the second purchase ASAP
  • Why upsells and downsells might not work
  • How to decide where to start
  • How to follow Chloe’s recommendation on where to start with your business


You can find out more about Chloe and Customer Manipulation


Check out this episode!

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