
Tuesday 17 October 2017

OEP011 Print on Design T-Shirts with Merch by Amazon with Rob Cubbon

I am delighted to welcome Rob Cubbon back to the Podcast

Get the Show Reel with my detailed notes and links from our conversation by clicking on this button 

Rob is a serial online entrepreneur and his continuing success means that he has already made the mistakes that you and I are going to make when we follow in his footsteps.  So it seemed like a great idea to avoid all that by asking him to share his advice about Printing T-Shirts on Demand with Merch by Amazon

In this Episode we cover:

  • What is Merch
  • How you get started
  • Other T-Shirt Design sites
  • How Rob got started on Merch
  • Copyright and Design issues and policies
  • Details of a design
  • Step by Step starting out on Merch
  • Keyword Research
  • Its all about the Niche
  • Design Tools
  • Styles
  • Pricing
  • Links to Merch by Amazon
  • Researching your Own T-Shirts

Find Out More About Rob

You can find out more about Rob at

Rob's Merch Online Video Course

If you want to accelerate your own Merch business to success, then here is the link to Rob’s Course – Just click on the Image.


You can enroll here with a 68% Discount for just $19 - Affiliate Link (thank you for supporting the Optimistic Entrepreneur Podcast)

Get the Show Reel with my detailed notes and links from our conversation by clicking on this button


Check out this episode!

Wednesday 11 October 2017

OEP010 How to Sell Online Courses on Amazon with Dave Espino

Today I am delighted to welcome Dave Espino to the Optimistic Entrepreneur Podcast.  We are talking about how to list your online course on Amazon!


We all know that Amazon Video Direct has not been a great success for Online Course creators.  Its just to complicated and fiddly.  And those pesky closed captions..

Well, what if you list you online courses on Amazon without having to go through the whole AVD rigmarole?

Dave has worked out how this can be done and in today's episode of the show he discusses how he did this and the great benefits this strategy offers online instructors.

This also applies to any digital assets you may have including audio books, ebooks and even podcasts!

The main benefits are:

  • You list your course, you don't have to upload it again
  • It works for any platform including Udemy, Thinkific, Teachable and many more…
  • There is no cost for listing
  • There are Eight steps to complete the process - and Dave shows you exactly how this is done, step by step in his course "Hidden Revenue Exposed"
  • You access a market place of 300m people, 20x that of Udemy
  • There is little or no competition for online courses right now

Hidden Revenues Exposed

You can find out all about the course and enroll by following this link

(This is an affiliate link and if you do enroll I will receive a financial reward but you will not pay any extra.  Thank you.)

Amazon Listing Course - List Your Online Video Course on Amazon (BONUS COURSE)

I enrolled in Dave's course right away and so far have listed 10 of my courses on Amazon.  I have found that my experience of Amazon meant that I had extra things I wanted to add to Dave's course to make it easier, faster and to help you to avoid some of the newbie mistakes I made.  You can find my course below.

Please note = you need to enroll in Dave's course to get any benefit from my course - I do not share the method with you in my course - only the tips, tricks and tactics I worked out while I was listing my own courses.

Special Offer - Two for the Price of One

For the rest of the month of October - if you enroll in Dave's course using my link and send me an email of your receipt that I can match to my affiliate account, I will send you a free coupon to my course.  This offer expires on 31st October 2017 at midnight.

Email me your receipt to john [at} jbdcolley [dot] com.

Find out more about Dave 

You can find out more about Dave at his website:

Check out this episode!

Tuesday 3 October 2017

OEP 009 SEO Affiliate Domination with Internet Marketing Expert Greg Jeffries

I am delighted to welcome Internet Marketing Expert Greg Jeffries to the Optimistic Entrepreneur Podcast.  Having seen the success Greg was having (he publishes his income reports), I was very keen to get him on to the podcast as a guest to ask him about his marketing strategies.

Greg is a very successful internet marketer who is focusing on Affiliate marketing using very focused SEO and Long Tail Keywords.

In June 2015 Greg made $1,548.08

In August 2017, just two years later, he made $18,034.23 

[In the show reel, I have provided a summary of his earnings over the last two years by affiliate programme so that you can see exactly where he has been making his money and this may help you to decide where to focus your efforts.  Incidentally, I have done the same with another internet marketer, Mark Woodward.]

There is something seriously smart going on and I wanted to find out more.

Greg is very open about his approach and helps us to understand why is affiliate marketing business is so successful. Greg is very much focused on Long Tail SEO for his marketing activities. 

In particular, Greg focuses on Transactional keywords (intent) and by going after the long tail, he has less competition which greatly improves his organic search results and ranking in Google.

Greg has a very systematic approach

  1. He understands SEO
  2. He identifies niches and acquires domains with niche keywords
  3. He creates a niche website
  4. He identifies the competitive and profitable keywords associated with that niche using (I also use Market Samurai)
  5. He gets his on page SEO right
  6. He gets his off page SEO right, particularly with some neat back linking strategies
  7. He tracks his progress with Google Analytics
  8. He identifies and promotes affiliate products, particularly identifying attractive products in Affiliate networks
  9. He builds and cultivates an email list.
  10. He scales his content distribution

Find Out More About Greg

You can find out more about Greg at his site, - which is a great resource for finding out more about internet marketing and resources you can promote.

SEO Affiliate Domination Course

If you want to discover Greg's system for SEO Affiliate Domination you can find all his strategies laid out in an easy to follow (I know, I enrolled) course which he has published on Teachable.   

To Get $100 off this course, download the show reel and in there you will find this exclusive offer for Optimistic Entrepreneurs.  

You can only access this through the Show Reel because I want this to be for serious students and I do not want this link spammed around the internet.

Download The Show Reel - 4 Steps to Affiliate Income 

I have created a Show Reel for this episode which takes Greg's interview a step further.  I share with you the 80+ products and services he promotes as an affiliate along with the total of his earnings from those properties over the last two years. I have done a similar exercise for successful internet marketer Mark Woodward, summarising his earnings in 2017.

The Show Reel also takes you through the four key steps you need to follow in order to start generating your own affiliate income, including a detailed explanation of on page SEO. 

Click here to Get Instant Access to the Show Reel

How to Find Keywords

I have published Two Blog Posts about how to find Keywords which you can find here:

How to Find Keywords Part 1 -

How to Find Keywords Part 2 -

Check out this episode!

Tuesday 19 September 2017

OEP008 Scott Hamlin.output


Its my great pleasure today to welcome extraordinary videographer, Scott Hamlin to the Optimistic Entrepreneur Podcast.

Scott shares his expertise on creating Promotional Videos, its virtually a step by step guide on how to create them.

Discover My Video Courses - Exclusive Offer $10

(Shhhh - its our secret)

Video Design Mastery: Create Awesome Videos Fast!

Promo Video Mastery


Join the Optimistic Entrepreneur Mastermind Group on Facebook at

Please leave an iTunes Review for the Podcast at:


The Show Reel for this episode may be downloaded from here: 

Download Your Podcast Show Reel Here

The Show Notes for this Episode my be found on my Blog here:

Find Out More About Scott.

You can discover more about Scott at

You can access Scott's Software Products here:

(Full Disclaimer: These links are affiliate links and I will benefit if you decide to buy these products from Scott - Thank you)



Check out this episode!

Wednesday 13 September 2017

OEP007 How to Start and Run a Small Business with Henry Lopez

I am delighted to welcome Henry to the Podcast.

Henry is the Co-Host of the How Of Business Podcast, which he was kind enough to invite me on back in Episode 66 of his podcast.  You can find the Episode here:

Find out more about Henry at The How of Business

Prosperity Place - Joan Sotkin

My thanks to Joan for her introduction to Henry.  You can find out more about her at

Scrivener Software

You can find out more about Scrivener at

Check out this episode!

Tuesday 5 September 2017

OEP006 How to Get Leads From Facebook Groups with Bruno Domingues

Its my great pleasure to welcome Bruno to the Optimistic Entrepreneur Podcast

Bruno is an online marketer who has focused on Facebook Groups and unlocked the secret sauce of how to generate leads without getting banned by the Group Owner!

Bruno takes you through six clear steps:

  1. The Mindset behind Groups
  2. How to Find the Best Group
  3. How to Attract your Ideal Clients
  4. How to Generate Leads
  5. How to Close Your First Sales
  6. How to Manage Your Leads

Bruno's approach focuses how you can scale your business and avoid be overwhelmed.

You are going to love this Episode for the detail and inspiration that Bruno shares.

Find Out More About Bruno

You can find out more about Bruno at 

You can join his webinar at:

(This is an affiliate link - if you do join Bruno's programme, I will be rewarded for the introduction - thank you)

Bruno also offers help with:

  • Google Ads setup + management
  • FB Ads setup + management
  • Building a Website Sales Funnel

Check out this episode!