
Tuesday 3 October 2017

OEP 009 SEO Affiliate Domination with Internet Marketing Expert Greg Jeffries

I am delighted to welcome Internet Marketing Expert Greg Jeffries to the Optimistic Entrepreneur Podcast.  Having seen the success Greg was having (he publishes his income reports), I was very keen to get him on to the podcast as a guest to ask him about his marketing strategies.

Greg is a very successful internet marketer who is focusing on Affiliate marketing using very focused SEO and Long Tail Keywords.

In June 2015 Greg made $1,548.08

In August 2017, just two years later, he made $18,034.23 

[In the show reel, I have provided a summary of his earnings over the last two years by affiliate programme so that you can see exactly where he has been making his money and this may help you to decide where to focus your efforts.  Incidentally, I have done the same with another internet marketer, Mark Woodward.]

There is something seriously smart going on and I wanted to find out more.

Greg is very open about his approach and helps us to understand why is affiliate marketing business is so successful. Greg is very much focused on Long Tail SEO for his marketing activities. 

In particular, Greg focuses on Transactional keywords (intent) and by going after the long tail, he has less competition which greatly improves his organic search results and ranking in Google.

Greg has a very systematic approach

  1. He understands SEO
  2. He identifies niches and acquires domains with niche keywords
  3. He creates a niche website
  4. He identifies the competitive and profitable keywords associated with that niche using (I also use Market Samurai)
  5. He gets his on page SEO right
  6. He gets his off page SEO right, particularly with some neat back linking strategies
  7. He tracks his progress with Google Analytics
  8. He identifies and promotes affiliate products, particularly identifying attractive products in Affiliate networks
  9. He builds and cultivates an email list.
  10. He scales his content distribution

Find Out More About Greg

You can find out more about Greg at his site, - which is a great resource for finding out more about internet marketing and resources you can promote.

SEO Affiliate Domination Course

If you want to discover Greg's system for SEO Affiliate Domination you can find all his strategies laid out in an easy to follow (I know, I enrolled) course which he has published on Teachable.   

To Get $100 off this course, download the show reel and in there you will find this exclusive offer for Optimistic Entrepreneurs.  

You can only access this through the Show Reel because I want this to be for serious students and I do not want this link spammed around the internet.

Download The Show Reel - 4 Steps to Affiliate Income 

I have created a Show Reel for this episode which takes Greg's interview a step further.  I share with you the 80+ products and services he promotes as an affiliate along with the total of his earnings from those properties over the last two years. I have done a similar exercise for successful internet marketer Mark Woodward, summarising his earnings in 2017.

The Show Reel also takes you through the four key steps you need to follow in order to start generating your own affiliate income, including a detailed explanation of on page SEO. 

Click here to Get Instant Access to the Show Reel

How to Find Keywords

I have published Two Blog Posts about how to find Keywords which you can find here:

How to Find Keywords Part 1 -

How to Find Keywords Part 2 -

Check out this episode!

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