
Tuesday 19 September 2017

OEP008 Scott Hamlin.output


Its my great pleasure today to welcome extraordinary videographer, Scott Hamlin to the Optimistic Entrepreneur Podcast.

Scott shares his expertise on creating Promotional Videos, its virtually a step by step guide on how to create them.

Discover My Video Courses - Exclusive Offer $10

(Shhhh - its our secret)

Video Design Mastery: Create Awesome Videos Fast!

Promo Video Mastery


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The Show Reel for this episode may be downloaded from here: 

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The Show Notes for this Episode my be found on my Blog here:

Find Out More About Scott.

You can discover more about Scott at

You can access Scott's Software Products here:

(Full Disclaimer: These links are affiliate links and I will benefit if you decide to buy these products from Scott - Thank you)



Check out this episode!

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